10 Video Ideas to Grow Your Business

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March 07, 2024

According to HubSpot's research on content trends, videos are popular.

Video marketing, like any other form of promotion, requires specific analysis. Before applying some of these video types Before getting into your marketing strategy, do some research and find out what video marketing tools your competitors are using and might be useful to your clients.

We, the 4k Download team, have created a list of video formats , you can simply introduce it to your website business and grow your customers. There are no strict rules for making such videos, just use your imagination and start creating.

Which videos are suitable for you Business?

Every business has its own video that is generally effective and seems understandable to the target audience. Although there is no limit, your success will depend on how you produce it, not the format of the video itself.

These are some of the types of videos you can choose from that can and should develop your brand.


Slideshows are a stylish and concise way to introduce your customers to product or your brand. You can touch on some pain points of your audience and offer a solution. Solution. Typically, slideshows are used by businesses related to creativity or visual beauty, such as fashion brands, art galleries, or cosmetics brands. But who says IT or real estate businesses can't give it a try and create stunning slideshows? With 4k Slideshow Maker, you can create the ideal slideshow to introduce your products to your customers in an unobtrusive way or business.

The best duration for this type of advertisement should be 1-5 minutes.

Businesses that usually use slideshows as advertising or brand guide are gadgets, vehicles, cosmetics and apparel Manufacturers of products, etc. Slideshows are also important for businesses that sell certain courses or books.

An example of a commercial slideshow is a wedding photo taken by photographer Jasmine Star. She used her client's Wedding photos to market her services.


The purpose of a video review is to show your customers how convenient and useful your product is, to show them what your product actually is. .Any business can review, whether you make something material like gadgets or furniture, or something that people can't touch, like software.

But there are still some products you shouldn't review.

Food. You can't show the taste to your customers.

Information about a product. A review usually means that the product will be shown completely, from all aspects of its use. Therefore, you must give the complete Lesson Plans.

Medicine. Let’s leave that to the doctors, shall we? You can still review cosmetics though.

Clothes. The look of clothes just depends on the person’s body. You very It's hard to show your customers an ideal picture of your clothes on them.

There is no rule for the best length of this type of video. Take the time to tell everything about your product. Nowadays comments are usually from bloggers privilege, but companies are also starting to review their own products. Review videos are often combined with demonstration or demo videos.

Educational Videos

Guides, Webinars, Masterclasses, Tutorials, Lifestyle The tricks are all kinds of educational videos that can help you if you want to be a leader in the market. Share some useful content for free with your followers and customers, then they will be more willing to buy from you Products for sale.

Here is a webinar hosted by the Combin marketing team to share some unique experiences with their customers.

Brand Video

Mainly, Brand videos are part of a larger marketing campaign. If you create a brand video, you should understand that the goal of this format is to build brand awareness among the masses or social media and attract your goals

Best length of brand video Typically 5-7 minutes. Brand videos can simply showcase the product or tell a small story.

The latter is an example of a HomePod video ad produced by Apple.

360 degrees Video

VR Video content is an effective and creative way to capture your audience’s attention. Virtual reality videos are an emerging trend in video marketing. Not many businesses are incorporating it into their content marketing strategy, so You have the chance to be one of the leaders.

Lipton, for example, is already using VR to promote its teas.


News videos have two main purposes - to show you Follow the trends and sell your services or products. You can show your development through such videos. Rumor has it that this format is now an alternative to press releases.

The best duration for news is not Should be longer than 15 minutes. What’s more, this video format will work better for brands and businesses that are already well-known or increasingly popular.

An example of this news-like marketing approach is ASN Media. These People is a video content creation company and their product is to create news-like video formats for their clients.


Another video format that marketers might steal from journalists.

Interviews are a fairly complex form of marketing video. You must first do some research, collect and analyze information about the interview speaker. The interviewer should prepare the right questions so that customers and followers hear the answers when interested. The interviewer should be competent enough to support the conversation and remain flexible as the speaker answers upcoming questions.

The duration of the optimal interview should range from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours .Generally speaking, any brand can incorporate this format into their content marketing strategy as your customers will always want to know something about the brand.

Check out how Disney uses interviews as its content strategy Part of.

Entertainment Video

If your brand is already well known and your target audience agrees with it, then you can make an entertaining video. Your business is an aspirational financial company, then it’s not worth the risk. Don’t make the offer directly in an entertaining or funny video, do it through parody or satire. If this works, sales won’t be far behind.

Dollar Shave Club Company has grown after making this interesting video.

Video Infographic

A video infographic can have an educational or entertaining tone. The main rule here is that it should not be - 3 minutes will do. These videos look fresh and grab people's attention.

One example we have given here is video marketing tips for real estate marketers.

Live Video People like online broadcasts because they are open and real-time. Sharing your activities, manufacturing processes or backend can bring your customers closer to you as a brand and trust you more.

This format is perfect for every business and increases audience engagement as people can ask and get feedback from brands they are loyal to. Take advantage of the opportunities all major social media offer you. Facebook, Instagram and YouTube are perfect Broadcast platform for your business.